

Biking To / From Campus

Consider biking to campus instead of driving. It is convenient, inexpensive, and healthy. A number of cycling routes for all ages and abilities connect to campus. These include:

  • The Okanagan Rail Trail, a fully separate path connecting the Kelowna Airport to the north and downtown to the south
  • A multi-use trail along John Hindle Drive connecting to Glenmore Road to the west
  • The Acland Road / Bulman Road / Highway 97 underpass connecting to Rutland to the east.

The Cycling to Campus map (right) provides an overview of the cycling routes currently available.

To find cycling routes in Kelowna, see the City’s bike map.  The City of Kelowna is responsible for cycling facilities in Kelowna.

Click to Zoom

Biking On Campus

Cycling is easy on campus with bike lanes along UBC’s roadways, and bike racks, bike lockers and end-of-trip facilities conveniently located throughout the campus. The university will continually add new bike parking infrastructure as the campus develops and more people bike to campus.


E-Bike Share Program

Getting to, from and around UBC’s Okanagan Campus just got a little easier. UBC Okanagan is participating in the City of Kelowna’s shared micromobility program, enabling LIME to operate their program of shared e-bikes and scooters on campus. For more information and rider resources please visit UBCO’s Sustainability E-Bike webpage. Download the LIME apps and start riding today!



Bike Parking on Campus

Bike racks and lockers

Bike racks are located outside most campus academic buildings and residences. Avoid parking in areas other than bike racks, as your bike could be removed without warning and at your own risk and expense.

Lockers are located next to the following buildings: ADM, ASC, Commons, EME, Fipke, RHS, Science and UNC. You can find out more information about how to get access to a bike locker from the UBC Parking website. Lockers are available on a first come, first serve basis.

Bike rack and outdoor bike storage locker locations can be found on UBC’s online Campus Map.


End of Trip Facilities

Showers and change rooms are located in many of the campus’s buildings. Most are publicly accessible. A few require Salto Access (FOB), which can be arranged by contacting Campus Security.

The Cycling Facilities map (right) provides an overview of the cycling facilities currently available.

Click to zoom

The following is a list of the campus’s end-of-trip facilities:

Administration Building ADM 017W FOB access required
Arts & Sciences Centre ASC 121W Accessible washroom w/shower
ASC 343W Accessible washroom w/shower
Public Access
Public Access
Creative & Critical Studies Building None
Engineering, Management and Education Building EME 0251W men’s washroom w/shower
EME 0257W women’s washroom w/shower
EME 3126 shower room
EME 3234 shower room
EME 4144 shower room
Public Access
Public Access
Public Access
Public Access
Public Access
Charles E. Fipke Building FIP 117W Accessible washroom w/shower
FIP 335 shower room
Public Access
Public Access
Gymnasium GYM 012W women’s change room
GYM 015W men’s change room
GYM 044 external team room
Member’s access only
Member’s access only
UBC Community Access
Reichwald Health Sciences Centre RHSC 209W Accessible washroom w/shower
RHSC 215W Accessible washroom w/shower
Public Access
Public Access
Science Building SCI 116W Accessible washroom w/shower
SCI 151W women’s washroom w/ shower
SCI 220W men’s washroom w/shower
SCI 251W women’s washroom w/ shower
Public Access
Public Access
Public Access
Public Access
University Centre UNC 204W women’s washroom w/shower
UNC 205W men’s washroom w/shower
Public Access
Public Access

*contact Campus Security for FOB access.